Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy!

It’s been a busy time around here!

For the past couple of months I’ve been knee-deep in sewing costumes for the “Children’s Choir” in our local theater’s production of The Sound of Music.  That has “morphed” in my being the “go-to” person for all costume issues!  It’s been fun, but it’s a lot of work and I’ve been so very busy!  I felt like I didn’t have very much time with SuperSoldier when he was home on leave because nearly every spare moment (and more than a few “not spare” moments, too!) was spent in front of the sewing machine!  The costumes turned out to be rather cute (simple, but cute ~ 18 dirndls and 4 lederhosen) and the other issues have been numerous, but not too numerous.


Recently I had to design a bishop’s mitre because the costume company sent something ridiculous!  Truth be told, Maria and the Captain are married by a Cardinal in the play (not sure about in real life) but the costume company’s attempt at a cardinal’s headdress was just so poor!  I did the “theater thing” and made the mitre instead because the audience would recognize the mitre. Recognizability is more important than accuracy in this case.

This weekend is the last weekend of performances.  My “last” costume issue will be to sew some long sleeves on a wedding gown for Maria today.  The costume rental company sent a gown, but it simply does not fit and we have been having a horrible time getting the actress in the costume.  It’s a very “quick change” and we’ve had injuries.  Think bloody costumes and messy stages!  Blech.  The costume has other problems besides fit, too.

This busy-ness has kept me from really celebrating “Cake Week”.  It kept us from starting school when we planned to (yes, not a huge deal since we, as homeschoolers, set our own calendar.) And it’s keeping me from feeling like I can be fully engaged at home.  I think there is truth in that feeling but I also think that it proves that my definition of “fully engaged” needs to change a bit.  The girls (and possibly TheBoy now!  He may audition for Miracle on 34th Street… auditions are next week) will stay involved in theater.  They love it.  As long as they are participating in shows, I will be there to help.  I wish I’d been more involved in the beginning of this theater adventure, but I’m here now!  I think that my own (and my family’s) expectations of me need to transform.  We need to figure out new ways of doing things and maybe accept new standards.  The problem I’m having is figuring out what goes, what stays, and what simply gets rearranged.

In addition to my new commitment to being more involved in the kids’ theater stuff, we’ve added a few things this year.  Right now we have physical therapy for TheBoy.  That shouldn’t last much longer, but it is a twice a week commitment.  The girls are taking a Latin class once a week.  The classes are being taught by fellow homeschooling moms.  “Liesl” (aka TheMadHatter) [thinks she] wants to join a debate class/club which will meet weekly.  The girls are taking a sewing class twice a month.  Liesl also wanted to be involved in the parish Confirmation class.  She isn’t looking for the religious ed aspect (though expects she may learn something!) as much as becoming a part of the group that she will be being confirmed with.  Oh, and did I mention that I am sponsoring a friend of SuperSoldier’s in RCIA this year?

So, yet again, I find that I am working on making things work.  Household routines.  School things.  Volunteer opportunities.  These things all need to work and that is going to take some work!

To start working on the making it all work, I’ve wiped out my iCal files and I’m going to try to start fresh.  I need to rely more on that calendar to keep things straight.  I need to take a look at the minimums again and build from there.  It’s all so confusing.  I never appreciated how simple my life was before!  My hat’s off to all of you who have lived this kind of busy life for years.  I never really understood how much you put into so many things!  You give me courage and hope that I can find a balance and make it all work.

I just have a few other things on my mind:

First, Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs.  Your creative genius will be missed.

Second, how ‘bout them Packers?!  4-0! w00t!

Third, yesterday was SgtSoldier’s and QueenofHearts’ birthday.  They turned 26 and 18.  Man.  How did that happen?!

Fourth, I really need a haircut, but I’m not sure cutting my long hair is a good idea when I know my life has just gotten busier and will likely continue to be busy.  I don’t think I have time to mess with my hair now (ponytail!)… what on earth will I do if I actually have to try to style it?  Still… I’m ready for most of this hair to be GONE.

Finally, we seem to be solidly out of the 100°+ weather now.  We even got a little rain!  Whew.

About becomewhatyouare

Catholic, Middle-Aged, Knitting-Addicted, Wife, Homeschooler, Mom of 6, Mom-in-Law to 1, Mother of 11 little saints, Grandma to 1, Godmother to 12, Foster Mom to 5, Army mom, Happily living in Texas!
This entry was posted in Brain Spill, Family, Home Education, Our Catholic Family Life, Packers!!, Theater. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy!

  1. KC says:

    Your life is becoming like mine. 😉

  2. Ute says:

    Wow, you really are busy! Wishing you luck in all your adventures, and that the Holy Spirit may guide you in your decisions. And, by the way, YOU are an inspiration to me!

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