The Assumption and “This and That”


Today, of course, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven.  Here is part of what I posted last year:

I’ve been looking for printables and activities for my own kids (well, at least one will still color and the like!) I found a couple of things.

The first is a little “mini-coloring book.” It is 3 pages. Find it here

Here is another, from the Daughters of Saint Paul. Here are the conditions for use:

“When copies are made for an educator as part of a systematic learning program in a non-profit educational institution, up to thirty copies may be made without obtaining special permission from Pauline Books and Media, subject to the following conditions:

1. the copies are provided free of charge;
2. the copyright notice must be visible on each copy;
3. no more than three pages are copied at one time;
4. no commercial use of the copies is made.”

Here is the link:

Coloring page 2. (other Pauline printables here.)

Shoebox Triptych Assumption Project

We will celebrate Mary’s “heavenly birthday” with cake, of course.

What else can I say about this feast? I think I said last year that it is such a hopeful feast. It inspires hope that one day we too will find ourselves being brought into heaven.

Picture 5

Earlier this week, my friend, Cathy, brought her kids over because her mother was being taken to the hospital by ambulance.  It is a scary, touch-and-go time for her mother.  She is not doing well at all.  Please pray for Cathy, her mother and all of their family.

Before Cathy called to see if she could bring the kids, I’d gone to wallyworld to pick up a few things and remembered (yay!) that I had nothing for dinner, so I decided I’d best think of something before we left and get what I needed.  I decided on meatloaf and headed over to the meat department.  The ground beef seemed to come in tiny packages or huge ones.  It would have been best to buy a couple of smaller packages, but for some “inexplicable” reason, I grabbled the large one.  5.5 lbs!  Then I grabbled a pound of sausage and a few other things and left.  I was chuckling to myself about how huge the meatloaf would be if I used all of the meat.  Turns out, of course, that I needed a huge one!  I did mix all of the meat and had plenty of dinner for 12 of us.  I think my Guardian Angel was in on this one!

I love seeing my table full!

10 Little Indians

10 Little Indians

Picture 5

We went to the performance again last night and I have a few pictures to share with you.

TheBoy visits the Queen (and keeps his head!)

TheBoy visits the Queen (and keeps his head!)

The Queen at the Meet and Greet

The Queen at the Meet and Greet

MissCreativity (of the Golden Afternoon Club)

MissCreativity (of the Golden Afternoon Club)

Our Mad Hatter

Our Mad Hatter

MissKaboom LOVES this character!

MissKaboom LOVES this character!


"Get me away from this crazy lady!"

"Get me away from this crazy lady!"

MissCreativity (Lily) with the White Rabbit... a sweet little girl she absolutely loves!

MissCreativity (Lily) with the White Rabbit... a sweet little girl she absolutely loves!

TheQueen signing autographs

Signing autographs for her fans

About becomewhatyouare

Catholic, Middle-Aged, Knitting-Addicted, Wife, Homeschooler, Mom of 6, Mom-in-Law to 1, Mother of 11 little saints, Grandma to 1, Godmother to 12, Foster Mom to 5, Army mom, Happily living in Texas!
This entry was posted in Friends, My Kids!, Prayer, Theater. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to The Assumption and “This and That”

  1. snowbabies says:

    I am so glad you were there for Cathy and the kids. They needed a secure and familiar face during that frightening time that I am sure they could read on their mother’s face.

  2. teachinmom says:

    Ok, first. I’m totally jealous of your table!! Where did you find it? Second, WHY oh why have I not thought to buy catsup like that? Seriously. Duh!! four little boys. You can imagine how quickly we go through the stuff!

    • Is that a great table or what?

      Best part?


      Yup. Free. It was a conference table at the Corps building and when they changed furniture years ago, the woman in charge of the project (getting rid of the old, bringing in the new) remembered Chief has a large family and asked if he would like to have one for free. He (I) did! 🙂

      I get the ketchup at wallyworld in the “institutional” section. You should see my peanut butter! The pump is sold separately.

  3. Elaine says:

    I cannot get over how beautiful all of your babies are! That is great you were able to get a camcorder in time for Alice.

  4. Carla says:

    Great photos of your actors! I just showed Ian and he is all excited. I don’t think he’s going to be scared at all!! 🙂

  5. Sally says:

    Thanks for recommending some of the coloring books from Pauline Books & Media! Come on over to our PBM blog, if you get the chance. We have a great line of children’s fiction and short stories coming up!

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